Network of Weather Stations in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Observatory operates a range of weather monitoring equipment, including a territory-wide network of automatic weather stations for measuring wind, pressure, temperature, humidity and rainfall, a network of cameras and visibility meters for providing real-time weather photos and visibility readings, a lightning location network for detecting lightning and two Doppler weather radars for detecting the intensity and movement of rain areas.

Hong Kong Observatory Weather Station

The HKO commenced upper air meteorological observations in 1921. In the early days, the work was carried out at the Headquarters in Tsim Sha Tsui and pilot balloon was used to measure upper air wind direction and speed.

A centennial observing station accreditation certificate has been awarded by the World Meteorological Organization to the upper air observing station of the HKO.

Open map location:{GMID}

Hong Kong Observatory Weather Station

Contact WOOFAA

+852 2649 4000


Unit 809,
Kingsford Industrial Ctr.,
Kowloon Bay,
Hong Kong

Open Hours

Monday to Friday:
9:30am - 6:30pm

Saturday & Sunday:

Send A Message

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Snapshot air quality measures are often not representative of statutory compliance. International air quality management practice typically requires 8 to 24 hours average figures for assessment, so to avoid transitional or intermittent type of contaminants. Purpose of these snapshots serves only as random & quick check for any need of further investigation.

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